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Surgical Dentistry Services

Trust our experienced oral surgeons for surgical procedures such as tooth extractions, dental implants, jaw surgery, and gum disease treatments.

Dental Implants

Funny thing about teeth…We don’t think we need them…we willfully neglect them…

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Way back in the eons before the wisdom teeth came in handy. How better to grind and soften…

Sedation Dentistry

We all love to walk out of the dentist’s office with fresh-feeling teeth and an improved state of oral health…

All on 4®

You will never be missing your teeth again! Your All-on-4 Bridge is a restoration that is held with 4-6 implants. 

Root Canals

When severe tooth decay expands and enters the central core of the tooth infection enters your bloodstream through the tooth pulp.

Your Ideal Smile Doesn’t Have to Wait

Flexibile hours and same day appointments available to help you get the care you need, when you need it.