Root Canal Therapy
You’ve got to go to the root of the problem to prevent them from popping up again.
When severe tooth decay expands and enters the central core of the tooth infection enters your bloodstream through the tooth pulp. Now bacteria that live inside of your mouth start entering your body. Your body responds to this danger by sending immune cells to fight the pesky invaders. This results in inflammation and tooth pain. The only way to stop the pain and spread of bacteria is to remove the damaged nerve and bacteria and close the root canals with rubberized material called gutta percha. This treatment of the inflamed roots with medicine is called Root Canal Therapy.
After the roots are treated, the tooth remains but without the rich nutrients from blood vessels that run along with the nerve. Over time the tooth becomes brittle and can break. To protect the tooth and any damaged parts we recommend placement of Zirconia Crown to restore its strength.
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