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Laser Therapy

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Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy (LAPT) is a treatment for gum disease, combining the traditional therapy of Scaling and Root Planing (SRP) with debridement technique of laser therapy to heal the diseased gums .Dental laser utilizes high-energy beam of light through a thin fiber to not only kills the bacteria infecting the gum and roots of the teeth, but also aids in the clotting (coagulation) of exposed blood vessels, thus inhibiting bleeding. It stimulates the root to form new root coating, cement, and helps in reconnecting the collagen fibers to the roots repairing the periodontal ligament. It is the new way of healing the gums, without surgeries, that involve flapping the gums and introducing bacteria in a fragile eco system of gums.

The precision of the laser is incredible ,removing the diseased, bacteria infested tissue while leaving the tooth and gum tissue unharmed. No dreaded scalpels, or sutures, are involved. LAPT is patient friendly, offering that anxious patient gum treatment without discomfort or fear. Certain laser procedures, are even done under limited anesthesia. The patients usually have limited if any discomfort and the tissues tend to regenerate beautifully.

Since gum disease is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by a bacterial infections and it tends to lead to cardiovascular and other autoimmune diseases, the detoxifying effect of laser extremely valuable. Due to its efficacy, it eliminates the need for adjunct antibiotic treatments and problem of bacterial resistance.

Your Ideal Smile Doesn’t Have to Wait

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