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Your First Visit

We welcome you to our home of fine dentistry where every smile is created to be a masterpiece.


We welcome you to our home of fine dentistry where every smile is created to be a masterpiece. It is our belief that the most important part of maintaining a healthy smile is up to you. Keeping up with regular exams is the best way to make sure your teeth stay in good shape. It also helps us find and treat problems before they become serious, like the beginning of tooth decay or gum disease. Just as fine art needs occasional maintenance and restoration, your teeth will benefit from procedures that make them stronger and more beautiful.

During your initial visit, Dr. Pavlin will review your medical and dental history, examine your mouth, and take any necessary x-rays. She may also find it helpful to take diagnostic measurements, photographs and impression for study models.

After the examination Dr. Pavlin will design a treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. She will carefully explain all treatment options available and answer any questions you may have.

If you are only interested in cosmetic dentistry we offer a cosmetic dental consultation to all new patients. During the consultation we will discuss your dental cosmetic options for creating that Hollywood smile you always dreamed of.

Your Ideal Smile Doesn’t Have to Wait

Flexibile hours and same day appointments available to help you get the care you need, when you need it.