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Tooth Pain


Tooth pain or as commonly know, a Toothache, can occur from bacteria entering the tooth, a dental cavity, a cracked tooth, exposed root due to gum disease, improperly placed or cured filling or a TMD joint disorder.

A cracked tooth syndrome usually gives you pain on biting or chewing. Sensitivity to cold and hot can be caused by receded gums due to periodontal disease. In TMJ (tempero mandibular joint) disorder predominantly there is a pain on chewing, an ear ache type of pain, or having clicking and popping sounds that sometimes can lead to a ”lockjaw” while eating foods such as apples. In all the causes of tooth pain a thorough oral examination along with x-ray technology including CT scan ( Cone Beam Technology )can help us determine the source of the pain. So iff the splash of ice-cold water against your pearly whites makes you wince, or you can comfortably chew on only one side of your mouth, you shouldn’t ignore it. You might delay going to a dentist because you’re uneasy about what they’ll say or how much it will cost, but letting it go will only make it worse. Many dental health problems are unlikely to get better on their own.

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